Published By: Ana Publicity Committee

3rd Nov. 2022



It gives me absolute pleasure to be invited to address a body of writers who have converged on the Mamman Vatsa village from different parts of Nigeria and elsewhere in the African sub region.


I understand that this convention is a yearly ritual that provides opportunity for writers to brainstorm on their success story and challenges with a view to chatting a way forward towards securing a realistic future. Even before I became the Governor of Benue State, I had been engaged with activities of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) at the State level.


It would interest you to know that in 2018, I approved and released the sum of 15m for ANA Benue chapter to host the annual International convention. That particular ANA convention in Benue State as I had gathered, had been adjudged to be one of the most successful outings for writers in the country to the extent that, years after, its success had continued to resonate and reverberate the annals of Nigeria's history.


I am equally aware of the fact that, Benue is one of the States in Nigeria where activities of the Association of Nigerian Authors at the National level had been noticeably vibrant thus, providing soft landing for the national officials in times of trouble.

A good example is the news I heard of the enabling environment ANA Benue chapter created for conduct of the elections that ushered in the current National Executive members of the Literary Body led by Comrade Camilus Uka.


The National President of ANA, Comrade Camilus Uka I am told in recognition of the vibrancy of the Benue Literary Community, launched his writers and blessings to emerge victorious.


I wish to use this occasion to congratulate the ANA National President along with other Executive members of his team for their well deserved election for the first and second tenures in office while praying to God to grant them wisdom, sound health and the wherewithal to pilot affairs of the Association.


Let me confess to the writers gathered here this day that, ANA has impacted meaningfully on my administration especially with the visits of Nigeria 's Nobel prize winner and renowned Playwright, Professor Wole Soyinka.


The identification of Professor Wole Soyinka with my government and people of Benue during any of those literary activities organised by ANA Benue State chapter at the very trying security moments was a great relief to us.  


Whatever words Professor Soyinka offered about the sacking of Benue communities by suspected herders came handy as a healing balm for Benue people and as Governor of the state, I have not taken that gesture for granted. Kindly extend my good wishes to the Nobel Laureate.


Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, my relationship with writers in Benue state and beyond coupled with the positive impact of ANA has strengthened my resolve to do anything that is decently necessary that could help them achieve their vision.


It is in the light of this resolve that, I had directed that a piece of land be allocated to ANA Benue State chapter for the building of a Writers’ village in response to the request made by our revered Elder, Professor Soyinka when he visited Benue last. 


Even though, my tenure in office as the Executive Governor of Benue State is coming to an end, I will ensure that the land is handed over to the leadership of ANA Benue State and will continue to support the body of writers to succeed.


The key note speech for this year's convention with the title: 'Literature and National Consciousness: The story as a catalyst' to be delivered by the Vice Chancellor, University of Abuja, professor Abdul Na'alla is apt given that story telling plays a vital role in our lives.


As a trained journalist, I know that writers have a greater role to play in shaping and reshaping society. We had passed through very turbulent security times within the past years in the country - the result of which is that, we had recorded deaths of thousands of people with property worth billions destroyed.


The insecurity which had taken a serious toll on Nigerians, should be a wake-up call for all writers to respond to in the overall interest of the nation. The activities of Boko haram and terrorist groups kidnapping innocent Nigerians should constitute raw material for Nigerian writers.


I therefore, wish to use this occasion to challenge you to churn out books that depict the security challenge the country was passing through with a view to proffering solutions. 


As for my administration, we had inaugurated what we call Community Volunteer Guards - a state security outfit backed by law to help conventional security agencies to tackle insecurity.


As we approach the next general elections, it is my firm belief that ANA's concern would be to ensure that the exercise is credible, peaceful and violent - free to guarantee the yearnings, expectations and aspirations of Nigerians.


Finally, let me wish you a fulfilled convention and pray that you remain committed to the task of ensuring that Literature continues to add value to our corporate existence as a nation.


Thank you all and God bless.


In God we trust.